Wiser Assoicates Limited
Wiser Associates Limited founded in 2002, one of the professional company secretary services provider in Hong Kong
Change director and company secretary information
The Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) requires every private company to appoint at least one separate director. Directors must be natural persons and have reached the age of 18. Non-Hong Kong residents may also be appointed as directors of a company. However, if the company secretary is a natural person, he must always reside in Hong Kong. If a company has only one director, that director cannot be the company secretary of the same company
The first directors of a company are appointed at the time of its registration. Subsequent appointments are governed by the company’s articles of association. To change a director, you should check the provisions of the articles of association of the company governing the appointment of directors (e.g. the maximum number of directors and any specific qualification requirements).
A new director is required to provide certain personal information (i.e. full name, residential address, date of birth, nationality, country of residence, former names and business occupation) to be included in the relevant form which he/she will be required to sign to signify consent to act as a director.